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Funny and beautiful

Age 35 From Ronkonkoma, New York - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking Man (523 Miles Away)

Love to laugh, have a good time, very laid back. Just want to share moments with someone .

Ink = Inner Peace 🫶

Age 43 From Webster, New York - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking Man (364 Miles Away)

I am stubborn, independent, love my career and my boys are my life. Not looking for an equal. Looking for someone that drives me to be better and then even better because they aren’t stagnant. I overthink, but I love hard. I won’t allow anyone to...

Is anyone looking for me?

Age 47 From Saratoga Springs, New York - Online 3 days ago
Woman Seeking Man (523 Miles Away)

I am an easy going person looking for someone that is tired of being alone.


Age 37 From Endicott, New York - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (391 Miles Away)

To see what's out there I'm free and able to live my life not just surviving it. Happy 420, Happy woman, Happy times, Happy homes


Age 46 From Long Island City, New York - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (479 Miles Away)

I am 44 years old with a birthday coming soon. Looking to meet someone who is down to earth loves adventure and looking to settle down

Creative cook that loves nature

Age 41 From Waverly, New York - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (365 Miles Away)

Family oriented since I have a big family, I love food, and enjoy life, I live for peaceful harmonious relationships and friendships, love camping, and enjoy anything that brings peace and prosperity, I dislike the situationship structure, I'm old...

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