Featuring: Tattoos Springfield Oregon - Join Our Free Singles Website Today!

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Age 39 From Bend, Oregon - Online 2 days ago
Woman Seeking Man (1967 Miles Away)

So as my headline I'm very loyal honest respectful and I empatheticly care and love unconditionally as well as equal partnership for this reason I have been hurt severe in past relationships. I am on here cuz who doesn't want to look for a sexy...

Laughter is my medicine. I like to clown

Age 39 From Astoria, Oregon - Online 4 days ago
Woman Seeking Man (2080 Miles Away)

I am quick witted and am a clowning mf. I like to make people laugh. Don't get upset at my sense of humor, all I ask is for you to clown back. Laughter is the ultimate medicine! The way to my heart is honesty, loyalty, affection and reciprocity.

I just wanna see what's out there ya dig

Age 45 From Salem, Oregon - Online 1 week ago
Woman Seeking Man (2051 Miles Away)

I am from Salem Oregon boring place so don't really do much luv to sk8 surf play on my pole go to the gym take my pup to the park I've had horrible luck with past relationships not sure it might be my picker or might just be me who knows

Wanting that one special person

Age 44 From Redmond, Oregon - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1962 Miles Away)

Very direct, loving, loyal, friendly, positive, and fun person.

I am outgoing and love attention

Age 36 From Hillsboro, Oregon - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (2037 Miles Away)

I am looking for a serious relationship and someone who is open and honest.I want a man who is independent, respectful and who enjoys doing things! I absolutely love shopping and relaxing at home with a good movie.

I’m a single mom of 3 kids

Age 36 From Prineville, Oregon - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1944 Miles Away)

Im single mom of 3 kids I work my ass off for them in I’m a redneck hill Billy chick not afraid of getting dirty in being adventurous in outdoors

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