
Věk 33 z Amelia, Ohio Online Před 2 týdny

Žena Hledám A Muž

Obecné Řekni nám něco o sobě.
  • Sebe bych popsal(a) jako I teach things. I play things. I compose things. I work at a pet store.

    I like;
    Labyrinth, Bernie Sanders, old neat things, antique medicine and poison bottles, potatoes, anchors, piercings, laughing, weird animals no one else likes, diet pop, tattoos, singing, the woods, family, music, not being poor, chinese food, Fall/Autumn, heights, lemonade, thunderstorms, the ocean, flip flops, sleep, sunsets, Halloween, I have a car to drive, watching the night sky, iced coffee, Android, etc.

    I don't like;
    Donald Trump, asphalt, spiders, waking up early, bad smelly things, repeating myself, being sick, tornadoes, tomatoes, being tired, not being able to fly, being poor, self entitled floosey ex sister in laws, self entitled people in general, people, how reliant we all are on social media, winter, that one smear streak my windshield wipers leaves in the rain, being alone in the dark, hot coffee, apple products, etc.

    Boom sauce.
  • Přihlásit Beran
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  • Můj rodinný stav je Singl

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