
Very interesting......

Alder 40 Fra Pleasant Grove, Utah Online Over 2 uger siden

Kvinde Søger en Mand

Grundlæggende oplysninger Fortæl os lidt om dig selv.
  • Jeg beskriver mig selv som Hey! I'm Ashley. I don't actually live in the Pleasant Grove area but I'm up that way a lot. I have diabetes so I don't have any tattoos but I will soon. I think tattoos are sexy. I'm a down to earth kind of girl, easy going, loves to laugh and looks for reasons to laugh. I'm not too materalistic but I guess I am..... to agree. I think everybody is to some extent. I like looking good. Doing my hair, make up, getting dressed up once in a while. I like to read, play with my sister, hang out with friends, family, rollerskating, dancing, singing, meeting new people. If there's anything you'd like to know about me, just ask.
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