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I'm looking for that right someone

Age 25 From Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking Man (768 Miles Away)

I'm pretty shy, I love to paint and draw

I’m up for anything .Life’s too short!

Age 47 From Dubuque, Iowa - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (731 Miles Away)

I’m just looking to have a good time, I live for summer concerts and music festivals, I’ll ask for forgiveness before I ask for permission. I live to be outside unless it’s winter.

Brains Beauty and Booty

Age 39 From Des Moines, Iowa - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (867 Miles Away)

I'm smart beautiful and sexy kind loving loyal

Pisces loyal, honest, and kind-hearted

Age 47 From Des Moines, Iowa - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (867 Miles Away)

Fun loving, kind-hearted, loyal, and honest. Looking for the same in my partner. Long-term relationship

Tattoo lover

Age 32 From Sioux City, Iowa - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1015 Miles Away)

I have 6 tattoos and I love hanging out with my friends and family and fishing and camping and cooking and baking and babysitting and walking around and watching movies and playing video games and hanging out with

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